Battle for Siemers Farm
Times are and events subject to change. Thanks for your patience while we plan and coordinate.
Details of activities and demonstrations will be posted each morning at the Activities Tent.
Saturday & Sunday, May 25 & 26
9:00 am: Camps open!
9:00 am (Sunday): Church service — Pavillion
11:00 am: Morning battle — Battlefield
3:00 pm: Afternoon battle — Battlefield
5:00 pm: Camps close
Monday, May 27
9:00 am: Camps open!
11:00 am: Battle — Battlefield
After Battle: Memorial Day service — Battlefield
12:00 pm: Event ends
Siemer's Farm
11125 E Day Mt. Spokane Rd, Mead, WA
From I-90, take exit 287 and head north on Argonne Road approximately 12 miles to E Day Mt. Spokane Road. Turn east and follow the road until you arrive. From North Spokane: take Highway 2/ Newport Highway to E Day Mt. Spokane road. Turn east and follow the road until you arrive.